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Dabaso Tujengane is a legally registered Community-Based Organisation. The organization grew out of Dabaso Community Unit in 2007, a group of Community Health Volunteers (CHV) working with the Kenyan Ministry of Health to provide preventive health services at the community level in Dabaso sub-location of Kilifi North Sub-County. We are committed to improving the health and well-being of our community. We work closely with Gede Health Center and other public and private facilities in the Watamu, Mida and Mijomboni areas. Each CHV is responsible for promoting the health of 20 households through various activities including house-to-house visits, counseling and group dialogue days. The CHVs are volunteers who only receive a small transport allowance if there is a donor with a specific project to support. To assist them with income, while also having time to conduct health promotion activities, they collaborate on various income-generating projects. Dabaso Tujengane is a member of Watamu Marine Association and sits on the Management Committee as the Health Representative organization. WMA is an association of the many stakeholders in the conservation of Watamu Marine National Park. We joined WMA as part of a 'Population, Health and Environment' (PHE) approach to conservation, since you cannot attempt to conserve the environment without caring for the people who depend on it for their health and livelihoods. See our "neem soap" page to buy our handmade, all-natural soaps based on neem and coconut, income from which supports our health activities. To follow our activities regularly, 'like' our facebook page by clicking the symbol at the top of this page. See the map for the areas "where we work". |